Keeping it Safe in September

Featured Webinar

10 Feet Tall and Bulletproof

September 16, 10:00 am
Presented by: Jack Jackson of Safetstart


Does the term “that’ll never happen to me” sound familiar? Do you have people in your organization that are “10 Feet Tall and Bulletproof?” Jack Jackson, president of Zion Safety Consulting and senior consultant with Safestart, will lead attendees through the transition all employees need to make, from thinking that nothing can hurt us to learning from our mistakes. Jack previously led a former employer to a 10-year period without a lost time accident and will engage us in critical thinking about safety cultures in the workplace.

With his resounding voice and stature as a former letterman on his university football team, William “Jack” Jackson has a commanding presence at the front of a room. He is a gifted and motivational presenter, often the top-rated speaker in group sessions.

Jack’s career has included working in production, operations and safety at Johnson Controls for 19 years, followed by seeing Avanzar Interior Technologies through the safety phase of new construction. In addition to developing a safety program, he also developed a conditioning program to prepare team members to become industrial athletes. Coach Jack worked with two semi-professional football teams for 6 years and was named NAFL defensive coordinator of the year. Jack used his experience to develop a safety concept that teaches participants of his courses that “safety is always first.”

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