Workers’ Comp is Part of Doing Business

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To preserve the integrity of your experience modification rating (EMR) and future workers’ comp premiums, you need to manage your workers’ comp claims like a business decision or investment.

We have all had one of those employees that either quits or is terminated from employment, then later files a claim with L&I for an alleged injury that occurred before their last day or on their last day of work. Unfortunately, these are allowable claims. You may find yourself wondering how to protect your business from these types of claims.

The simple answer is to offer Return to Work (RTW), regardless of the circumstances surrounding the employee’s current employment or how you feel about the employee as a person. If you refuse to accommodate modified duty, the only person that you are hurting is your business.

The employee will continue to receive time-loss benefits at your expense, causing you to pay more premium to L&I and possibly causing you to lose future business contracts because of a high EMR.

You need to protect your business from employees that try to take advantage of the system and your company by ALWAYS accommodating return-to-work. Don’t make emotional decisions. Make business decisions. Download our RTW informational guide.

For more information, talk to one of our experts:

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