WFIA Retrospective Rating (RETRO) Program
Find out if RETRO is right for you.
It’s Easy at 1-2-3.
- Fill out a no-obligation *release form. (Select the appropriate form below)
- Email or scan and fax to submit the form.
email: info@wafood.org
fax: (866) 478-2696 - Receive personalized information about qualifications and refunds.
*If you would like to fill out and submit an online release form, go to ernwest.com/retro-release.
Get in Touch
If you have any questions about the WFIA program or Retro, contact us.
Robert Mitchell, Finance & Retro Mgr
(360) 753-5177 x102 | robert@wafood.org
ERNwest (Workers’ Comp. Partner)
Julie Osterberg, WFIA Group Manager
(253) 881-5669 | josterberg@ernwest.com
Andrew Heard, Retro Coordinator
(253) 237-0817 | aheard@ernwest.com
What is Retro?
RETROSPECTIVE RATING (RETRO) is a financial incentive program offered by the Department of Labor and Industries to help employers reduce their industrial insurance costs. It is the only way you can earn any of your premium back from L&I. Your premium is pooled along with other employers of similar risk class or industry, which reduces risk and maximizes refunds.
More Information
Program Benefits
Before Claims Happen
- Safety resources specific to the food industry
- Help with setting up your safety program
- Assessment of current performance and identification of cost-saving strategies
When Claims Happen
- Proactive claim management by experts in Washington workers’ compensation
- Dedicated return-to-work specialists
- Monthly reports outlining claim type, costs and plan moving forward
Savings to You
- Long-term savings with reduced rates/premium
- Retro refunds averaging 26% over the last 3 years
- DOSH citation assistance
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