WFIA RETRO | August 2021 News

Early Incident Reporting Saves Money and Headaches

A strong focus and commitment to injury prevention is the most surefire way to improve your safety metrics and reduce your workers’ comp costs. When prevention activities fail, and an injury occurs, it is equally important to have strong claims handling procedures in place. In fact, our data supports that claims reported within a week are 44% less expensive than those reported at four weeks! Here are some other benefits of early claim reporting:

  • Decreases attorney involvement – 31% of claims reported after four weeks have attorney involvement.
  • Claims close faster – 71% of claims reported after four weeks are still open at 18 months.
  • Allows immediate incident investigation, which can help your safety team identify cause and avoid similar injuries in the future.
  • Promotes a caring and helpful atmosphere. When you know an incident occurred, you can help your worker navigate the confusing L&I system and overcome barriers with medical treatment.
  • Provides critical information for early claims management.
  • Provides a level of accountability and helps you avoid fraudulent claims.

Our team of dedicated claim managers is here to help you navigate the claims process, and the sooner we know about a claim, the sooner we can help. Please report claims to us immediately by calling your ERNwest Claim Manager, reporting claims via email at, or report claims securely online in our ERNwest Reporting Portal.

Return to Work (RTW)

The single most powerful tool an employer has in controlling its workers’ compensation costs is immediately providing meaningful work.

AUGUST TIP: When an employee quits or is terminated and has an ongoing workers’ compensation claim, your responsibility for the claim does not end. Having a reasonably continuous job offer in place at the time of the separation makes a big difference in preventing terminated employees from costing your company more in workers’ compensation premium.

Focus on Safety (FOS)

Each month we will focus on these types of incidents which cause the most injuries in the food industry.

Prevention in the Kitchen

Kitchens provide a multitude of slip, trip and fall hazards, whether it be from spilled liquids, grease, clutter or other means. We can all play a part to prevent these hazards from causing injuries to anyone. Download Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls in the Kitchen.

ERNwest FOS Webinar Series – August Training

Each month ERNwest offers topical discussions about safety strategies unique to your industry. Download the 2021 Calendar of FOS Webinars as part of our available training and refer back to for updates and additions.

Supervising for Safety: August 3, 10:00am

Ladder Safety: August 26, 10:00am

Workplace Burnout Happens

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), burnout has three characteristics; feelings of depleted energy or exhaustion, increased mental distance from or negativity/cynicism about one’s job, and reduced professional efficiency.

What are some signs of burnout?

  • Unusually low energy or fatigue
  • Reduced performance or productivity
  • Uncharacteristic impatience or shortness with others
  • Faltering relationships with colleagues
  • Sudden micromanaging
  • Increased absenteeism

How can you show your employees that you value their mental health and want to help prevent burnout at work?

  • Encourage the use of PTO or vacation days.
  • Set clear expectations. These can help employees retain a sense of control because they understand what is expected of them.
  • Allow for downtime at work. This could be allowing employees to close their office door and work uninterrupted or allowing music to be played through headphones or in the background.
  • Show support for mental health. Implement an open-door policy for employees to come to managers or HR with issues.
  • Show appreciation or recognition. A “thank you” can go a long way to reduce stress and show employees they are appreciated.
  • Recognize that stress exists outside of work. To help staff cope with responsibilities outside of work, be accommodating.
  • Allow for rest when needed. Recognize the need and allow for an extra break or a few minutes to decompress to recenter or gain focus.
  • Bring mindfulness to work.
  • Reduce toxicity in the workplace.
  • Conduct regular employee engagement surveys.

Recognizing and avoiding burnout in the workplace is something you can do as an employer to improve an individual’s well-being as well as the health of your organization.

Other Safety Information

Governor’s Industrial Safety and Health Conference

The Governor’s Industrial Safety and Health Conference is scheduled to take place in Spokane, WA September 28-30. This annual conference offers training and education on the latest tools, technologies and strategies for workplace safety and health. The Exhibit Hall brings you the latest products and services from vendors. Optional immersive full-day pre-conference training sessions will be available to further your knowledge. Learn more about the conference and how to register.

Upcoming Training

ERNwest presents topics such as Understanding Industrial Insurance Rates, What is Retro? and Using Kept on Salary and Modified Duty Effectively on a monthly basis. Select a topic for more information and to register.

August   3, 2021 at 10am | Understanding Industrial Insurance
August   5, 2021 at   2pm | What is Retro?
August 17, 2021 at 10am | Fundamentals of Claims Management
August 31, 2021 at 10am | Using Kept on Salary and Modified Duty Effectively

Find more training online at

Additional Retro Resources

WFIA Safety Resources

Access WFIA and general safety resources. Learn more.

Workplace incident or injury?
Contact ERNwest first.

Report incidents immediately so that your claims manager is aware and can help guide you through the process.


WFIA Retro Questions?
Julie Osterberg, WFIA Group Manager (253) 881-5669 |

WFIA Safety Questions?
Brent Olson CSP, CIH, WFIA Safety Manager (253) 237-0803 |

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