WHCA RETRO | June 2021 News

Early Incident Reporting Saves Money and Headaches

A strong focus and commitment to injury prevention is the most surefire way to improve your safety metrics and reduce your workers’ comp costs. When prevention activities fail, and an injury occurs, it is equally important to have strong claims handling procedures in place. In fact, our data supports that claims reported within a week are 44% less expensive than those reported at four weeks! Here are some other benefits of early claim reporting:

  • Decreases attorney involvement – 31% of claims reported after four weeks have attorney involvement.
  • Claims close faster – 71% of claims reported after four weeks are still open at 18 months.
  • Allows immediate incident investigation, which can help your safety team identify cause and avoid similar injuries in the future.
  • Promotes a caring and helpful atmosphere. When you know an incident occurred, you can help your worker navigate the confusing L&I system and overcome barriers with medical treatment.
  • Provides critical information for early claims management.
  • Provides a level of accountability and helps you avoid fraudulent claims.

Our team of dedicated claim managers is here to help you navigate the claims process, and the sooner we know about a claim, the sooner we can help. Please report claims to us immediately by calling your ERNwest Claim Manager, reporting claims via email at claimsreporting@ernwest.com, or report claims securely online in our ERNwest Reporting Portal.

Return to Work (RTW)

The single most powerful tool an employer has in controlling its workers’ compensation costs is immediately providing meaningful work.

JUNE TIP: It’s helpful to have a list of light-duty job options for the injured employee to take to his/her initial medical appointment to streamline return-to-work. We have packets available for you as part of your program participation. To obtain one, contact your group manager.

Focus on Safety (FOS) –
Combative Residents

Combative Resident Prevention

A resident can become irritated and combative resulting in injuries to employees if handled incorrectly. Knowing how to manage these situations is essential for maintaining a positive and safe environment for everyone. Get some guidance on Dealing with Combative Residents.

ERNwest FOS Webinar Series – June Training

Each month ERNwest offers topical discussions about safety strategies unique to your industry. Download the 2021 Calendar of FOS Webinars as part of our available training and refer back to ERNwest.com/training for updates and additions.

June   8, 2021 at 10am | Fundamentals of Ergonomics
June 17, 2021 at 10am | Fundamentals of Ergonomics       

Onsite Training is Now Available

We are excited to offer onsite training once again. Contact Shamus Harmon to understand the latest protocol and set up a training time. Please download a list of current training and a quick FAQ.

Upcoming Training

ERNwest presents topics such as Understanding Industrial Insurance Rates, What is Retro? and Using Kept on Salary and Modified Duty Effectively on a monthly basis. Select a topic for more information and to register.

June   1, 2021 at 10am | Understanding Industrial Insurance
June   3, 2021 at   2pm | What is Retro?
June 15, 2021 at 10am | Fundamentals of Claims Management
June 29, 2021 at 10am | Using Kept on Salary and Modified Duty Effectively

Find more training online at ernwest.com/training.

Additional Retro Resources

WHCA Safety Resources

Access WHCA and general safety resources. Learn more.

How WHCA Group Retro Affects
Your Bottom Line

L&I workers’ compensation rates have declined steadily over the past several years, saving our industry millions of dollars in paid premiums. Get the details.

WHCA Pays You Back!

The association, through the Retro program, will reimburse up to $2,500 per year when you buy equipment needed to keep your staff working safely. Access the Safety Rebate Form for a complete list of covered items and for instructions to get started. Download the 2020-2021 WHCA Safety Rebate Form.

Administrator / Executive Director Training

Whether you are new to the Washington Health Care Association (WHCA), new to Retro, new to your position or just have questions, you’ll find helpful information about the benefits and requirements of WHCA Retro membership and how ERNwest can help you succeed with Washington Workers’ Compensation. | Welcome to WHCA Retro

Workplace incident or injury?
Contact ERNwest first.

Report incidents immediately so that your claims manager is aware and can help guide you through the process.


WHCA Retro Questions?
Stephanie Scheurich, WHCA Group Manager (253) 237-0837 | SScheurich@ernwest.com

WHCA Safety Questions? 
ERNwest Safety Department Safety@ernwest.com
Shamus Harmon (253) 237-0840 | SHarmon@ernwest.com

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