ERNwest Blog


Ladder Safety

As we approach the holiday season, ladder use increases as we hang decorations and cope with winter weather. The most recent data from the National ...
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OSHA Recordkeeping Logs

  Everyone’s Favorite: OSHA 300 Recordkeeping Logs Yes, it is that time of year again and everyone’s favorite project to begin in the new year ...
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L&I Proposed 2023 Rates are Coming Soon!

With Fall comes football, a new school year and your first look at 2023 industrial insurance rates. L&I will announce proposed base rates for each ...
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Preventing Accidents in Our Restaurant

Accidents are a part of every job, and our restaurant is no exception. While we do what we can to minimize restaurant hazards, safety needs ...
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Early Incident Reporting Saves Money and Headaches

A strong focus and commitment to injury prevention is the most surefire way to improve your safety metrics and reduce your workers’ comp costs. When ...
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WA Hospitality Association – The Check is in the Mail!

In a few short months L&I will be calculating the group’s refund. Will yours be as large as it could be?  A significant portion of ...
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